Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Note of Thanks

Thank You Veterans

I’m a son of one, and as a result I’ve always felt like I’ve understood the sacrifice and dedication that troops have put in for their country anytime that they’ve been asked to (or volunteered to). I gave some serious consideration to joining the Marines after I came back from Germany as an exchange student, but after pooling some resources I decided to go to the U of M instead (whoops).  My father had his moments of pride, and I know that one thing he was proud of was his career in the military. I think it’s great, and it’s still one of the things I remember most about him.

We live in a great nation, when so many soldiers are willing to put their lives on the line whenever they’ve felt that an injustice against our country has occurred. The Germans bombing our supply boats in WWI, Pearl Harbor and Fascism in WWII, Democracy/Communism in Vietnam and the 9/11 attacks most recently. The why question gets pushed to the back of the public conscience, and so many young men and women step up to fight for what we believe is right. I think it’s absolutely fantastic, and I just want to thank all the soldiers who’ve spent 1 minute sacrificing their life for believing in doing what’s right.

I know far too many friends and family members that have put their careers, personal lives, education, and dreams on hold, so they could advocate for what they believe in. I wish I could reach out to each of you individually and say thank you, just as I wish I could visit the memorials and grave sites for all those loved ones that paid the ultimate sacrifice. I know this is a grain of salt in the ocean, but I just want to recognize all of you and give a personal thank you.

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