Monday, November 25, 2013

Things that I'm Thankful for

Nate’s 9: Things That I’m Thankful For

#9. Direct TV.  I thought it was going to be a nightmarish switch, but because Comcast was destroying my bank account, it was something that needed to be done.  I am officially hooked.  I can DVR almost everything I want, I get a ridiculous amount of sports television, Sunday ticket, my DVR is 4x the size of my Comcast DVR, and I finally get the game show network.  If I wanted that network on Comcast, I would have to add another $11 a month to my plan.  I have a few complaints: the blips because of satellite, the remotes don’t interchange – so if I lose one, yikes, and the actual DVR section leaves a bit to be desired.  Not a bad tradeoff though, and I’m thankful for the extra dollars in my pocket.

#8. Fantasy Football.  Lately, it feels like a second income around Christmas time.  Last year, I was able to win one league, finish 3rd in the other, and I was in my other league until the final week of the season.  This year, I can clinch all three playoff berths, starting with two of them after tonight’s game.  I really enjoy playing, I’m good at it, and I’m thankful that I’m usually getting money instead of paying in at the end of the year.

#7. Books.  Seriously, I’ve hit on every book in 2013.  It’s been an incredible run, and I hope it never ends.  I was able to put down: The Family Corelone, New York, Football: Bloody Hell, Safe Haven, A Dance With Dragons, Cosmopolis, The Things They Carried, and A Water-Method Man.  As far as a good story goes I believe I was 8 for 8, and even the writing in each was good.  I remember complaining in 2012 that I couldn’t find a good book if I was standing in a library, but I’m pleased to know that they are still out there, and I’m thankful to have hit such a hot streak. 

#6. Friends.  I seriously want to thank all of you that have come to visit me or just chat with me over these last couple months.  Last winter, I hit a real low staying home with the boys during the week, and never being able to take them outside or do something that would get us out of the house and our little crazy space.  It’s a little easier now, especially since the twins are more self-sufficient and a lot more fun, but when I still had to feed them bottles, and Aiden was having a hard time adapting it got really lonely.  Even just a phone call or a text was greatly appreciated, and nothing went unnoticed.  Thank you.

#5. The House.  It’s starting to really feel like our home now.  I will admit that it did take a while.  We hardly had any pictures up, we hadn’t changed any of the horrific paint jobs, and nothing really showed that it was our home.  Now there are kids’ toys everywhere, where ever we go we leave a trail of mess, and there may be 1 or 2 pictures on the wall now to make it really feel like home.  I’m only joking, but I really am thankful for everything that we have.  All our bedrooms are on the same floor which makes living comfortable and sufficient.  We have a dishwasher and air conditioner that works.  There is enough space where we never really feel like we are on top of each other, unless we’re all in the same room.  I have a 55 inch television in a room that I can hide in whenever I need a break.  I even kicked the lawn’s ass this year, and killed a majority of the weeds that made my house look like an empty, foreclosed lot in Detroit from the outside.  Moving on up.

#4. My Favorite Sports Teams.  When deciding to quit your favorite sports teams, it really changes your views on what it really means to be a fan.  It’s like a long; drawn out goodbye to someone you really know and love.  I still think I’m going to let them go, and they are going to find their way back to me, but I really love them, so I’m going to “let them fly”.  I speak most specifically of the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Green Bay Packers, and Manchester United.  All the other teams I feel pretty confident I won’t miss, but I have spent many moments of my life, with many friends and family, and much discussion about each one of these franchises.  This year, I really have enjoyed being a fan, and following my favorite teams.  Especially the Green Bay Packers, which is kind of a full circle thing for me.  They were my first, but never my most, and it’s nice to be able to have this “quality time” with them before I’m done.  It’s a beautifully well run organization, and I’ve enjoyed every part of it.  The trips to Lambeau - and I will miss my planned trips to Lambeau (I still won’t turn down a weekend to Green Bay; it just won’t be on my whim).  The trash talking with Vikings and Bears fans. The passion of other Packers’ fans.  – Quick story: I went to Lambeau in 2009 with a friend and his father, and while waiting for the game to begin, we had lunch with a fan that lived in California who was making his first trip to Lambeau (by himself) to see the Packers in person.  Those little things are what I’m going to miss.  And I’m thankful that I had them.

#3. My Mother.  The end of a beautiful story would be if my mother lived to be 110, so we could pass on at the same time.  Realistically though, I’m glad that my mother has come through strong these last couple of years.  Most of you might know that my mom had a form of breast cancer, but with luck they caught it early and they were able to remove all of it before it spread.  Now we are dealing with hips and knees and the after effects of surgeries and it’s been a long year for me in that regard.  She’s kicking some serious ass though, and I’m proud and thankful that my mother is still healthy and around to give me (21!) kisses every time we get together.

#2 My boys.  It’s the same old story, but it always gets better.  Never wanted more than 2 kids, only wanted girls, blah, blah, blah.  What I have now is amazing and brilliant and all of those other wonderful adjectives that wake me up every single day.  I love watching them learn, and how they interact with one another, and how their personalities shine through in certain moments, and how some days they need me and other days they want nothing to do with me, and all of it. I love dancing with Logan, and reading books with Lucas and singing songs with Aiden.  I love how when I’m in the car with Aiden he just talks and talks and talks and the moment I tune out, he says, “right, daddy”?  I love how Logan helps me unload the dishwasher and after every piece of silverware he shuts it because he thinks we’re done.  I love how Lucas will be the one to wake up crying, but when I open their door to get them, I can get Logan first and put him in his highchair and Lucas won’t cry at all, even though it’s horrific when I do it the other way around.  I’m so thankful that I have each and every one of them, and there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do for them. Except admit to my mother and wife that they love me more.  I won’t do that. 

#1 My Sports Illustrated Magazines…





#1 My Better Half.  Even though I know she’s probably pissed right now, and probably thinking that I do love my magazines more, I have everything to thank for in my life, because of my wife.  (Cute) She is everything I could ask for in a partner, a best friend, a mom, a companion… going back to when we started dating, no one has helped me through my insecurities more than her.  I had always been afraid to drive because I thought I would hit someone and end their life, and live with the guilt forever. One among many fears.  She helped me work through that, and was the person that went with me to get my license (passed on the first test!).  She takes me to see Manchester United whenever they travel over to the states (anyone that knows me, knows this is no small gesture) even though I know she doesn’t care for the sport.  She always has my best interests at heart.  She isn’t concerned that I haven’t been romantic in about 8 years.  She makes fun of me, but never to the point where she would be questioning my character.  She got me through school, she gave me her Acura TL, she gives me space, and all the other little and big things that come with being married to someone.  And this is way more than I can say for myself.  So for this, I am truly thankful. 

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