Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Things that Terrify Me

Nate’s 9: Things that Terrify Me

I would like to think that I’m a pretty chill person.  I have my ups and downs like anyone else, but for the most part, I don’t get to excited, or down on life, or scared, or delighted, or upset, etc. I’m not saying I would willingly drink sour milk (ugh, maybe that is a top 9er), but only a few certain things really scare the crap out of me.  Here are the 9 that I couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to handle if thrown my way.

#9 – Getting Shot from Behind.  I still think this is the way I’m going to go out (only half-kidding) and it’s why I always like to sit facing the door.  I had a dream when I was about twelve years old and it’s stayed with me up to this day, and it was getting caught in the crossfire of gun shots, and I took one in the back.  I feel pretty safe up here in Ramsey, Minnesota, but I know I can’t determine the fate that may fall on me the one time I have my back to a door.

#8 – Getting Pushed over an Edge.  Even worse in my opinion.  At least the gun shot would be quick.  It’s a long way down from whatever edge I decided to peek over when someone had deceit in their mind.  I would imagine that it would happen at either the Grand Canyon or the top floor of a hotel building in which the swimming pool is like 15 floors down.  The thing that sucks about this is unless I have some masterful twist of the body during the early seconds of falling, I’m never going to find out the culprit of this terrible disaster.  And unlike the other one, a push is more personal. Whoa boy!

#7 – Dreams in which I’ve lost my Wallet.  I’m not sure why they are the most vivid of all my dreams, but I lose my wallet about once a month, and I can always remember the dreams thereafter.  I hate being frantic like I am in my dreams, but I imagine a similar real life scenario would be just as bad if not worse.  And it always happens right after I decide to check whether it’s still there (which I have no idea why I do that).  Then, of course I don’t have the resources or ability to call the bank and cancel my credit cards, so when I finally get the chance to look, all my money is gone.  Of course.

#6 -  Losing my Teeth.  This also happens frequently in my dreams, but thank goodness that it hasn’t happened in real life.  What usually happens is I’ll crunch too hard, (I’m sure I’m actually doing it too, as Sara will occasionally tell me that I’m grinding my teeth while I sleep), and out go the teeth.  Then, naturally, I don’t have dental insurance, and so I have to walk around the rest of my dream embarrassed as I don’t have any teeth to chew or communicate with.  I should just have dreams 1-9 to be honest.  They freaking suck.

#5 – Roller Coaster coming off the Tracks.  Once in awhile, this idea/thought will pop into my head, usually while I’m heading up the biggest hill.  Then poof, it pops off the track, and we all plunge toward our deaths.  I’m not sure why I have these thoughts, as roller coasters tend to be safe, and I think I’ve only heard of one death in the last couple of years (that lady in Texas?).  I don’t even think the roller coaster derailed in that instance; it had something to do with her seat buckle as they went around a curve... Regardless of the circumstances though, it wouldn’t be very fun, on the contrary, I think my fear would be far greater than any other incident on this list.

#4 – My Horrific Bad Dreams.  I’m not sure if it’s just me or if this happens to everybody, but I’d say a majority of my dreams are more of the bad quality, than of the good.  And the worst ones... they are dreadful. I’ve had tornadoes; I’ve had earthquakes. I’ve been on the Titanic at the worst possible time, and I’ve been chased by people with baseball bats. I’ve been aware that I’m on a hit list with assassins coming to get me. I’ve conversed with the dead. I’ve been forgotten by my parents when I was a child; I’ve left my kids in certain places not knowing where they are...  I’ve begun to look up reasons for bad dreams and some researchers believe that eating before bed time, alcohol and stress can lead to more vivid dreams than those who have a sense of calm before they go to sleep.  So clearly I can do something about these, but who wants to give up left over pizza at bedtime?  I might have to start thinking about it though. (I also found a site that says normal bed routine plays a factor. Psshhh, I wish!)

#3 – Dying Before my Children have Permanent Memories.  In all seriousness, this one does bug me quite a bit.  I think about that with my dad all the time, how lucky I was to generate some memories, and remember the conversations that we were able to have.  I can have as many conversations with my children as my heart desires, but it might not be enough if I were to unfortunately perish before their permanent memories started to form.  I vaguely remember my dad driving to work in his Porsche when I was probably four years old (It was white).  I remember when he bought his two door Oldsmobile Firenza which was fire engine red, and he thought he was the coolest guy ever. (I was 5, he wasn’t, it was an Oldsmobile!!!).  I remember switching bedrooms when I was about 6... So I have a little ways to go.  I can’t predict the future, nor do I want to, but I solemnly hope that every decision I make leads to another day after another day with my children.  The memories and pictures all are I have left.

Dad's car at 5
Mom's car at 5

#2 – Heights.  F them.  Seriously.  I can’t even.  The Sears Tower has the little walk out from the viewing deck, and I wasn’t even able to attempt it even though it was enclosed.  I’ll never sky dive, I won’t bungee jump, I don’t believe I can even do the little RipCord guy at Valleyfair.  It’s all too much.

#1 – The Big 3.  I’ll go any other way, God willing.  Gunshot to the back.  Falling off a cliff.  Head on with a train (Oof, that would hurt though).  Just please, pretty please, don’t let me drown, don’t let me burn, or don’t let me freeze to death.  Those elements scare the crap out of me (water, fire, ice I mean), and the thought of helplessness that can occur with all three. Instead, enjoy every day, and let’s hope for the best!


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