Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bucket List

Nate’s 9: Shortlist for a Bucket List

                I always thought these things were kind of lame, at least until I saw the movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.  It was a nice concept, and it looked like the two of them had a lot of fun, but I don’t have that kind of money or desire to do something so grand.  But I do think it is a good idea to kind of motivate myself to do something special or save up for something special.  Here are the 9 that I would like to give a go for…

#9. Visit all 30 MLB stadiums – I’m off to quite the slow start; I think I’ve only been to four of the thirty current baseball stadiums (Kaufmann, Target Field, PNC Park and Miller). I wasn’t even able to see a game at either Miller Park or PNC; I just got to see the stadiums up close.  So as far as this being realistic goes… I don’t think I have much of a shot.  It’s not my favorite sport, and I much prefer my summers spent in the privacy of my own community (Twin Cities).  But I really appreciate the beauty of baseball stadiums and the fact that each is unique and recognizable in their own way makes these trips worth attempting.

#8. Visit all 12/14 Big Ten Universities – This just got a little more difficult with the additions of Maryland and Rutgers Universities, but it’s something I still think would be interesting and fun.  I’ve got 3 of them knocked down if you include the University of Minnesota (Penn State, Northwestern) and most of these universities are close enough together where we can visit a couple of schools at a time.  I would like to do this one with each one of my kids, and show them how beautiful and remarkable these Big Ten Universities can be.

#7 Finally admit that my wife really does love me more. While it’s not something that I like to admit if I truly reflect back on the past 13 years, it does seem to be that she has gone the extra mile, where it just might be true. Not once in the past 13 years has she ever stopped to question her love or all that she does for me. (lol, Nope. This is someone else’s work. My real #7 is)…

#7. Visit all 32 NFL stadiums – By this point, I will probably be sick of all the travel I’m attempting to do, and my children will have both OD’d on architecture and sports, but this is the one I’d really like to try.  NFL fans are probably the best in America, and it will be fun to aim and experience the different game days and tailgating that each NFL team is familiar with. 

#6. Pay it Forward once a year – It’s just something I’ve always been impressed with when others do it, and I feel like I should.  I have a blessed life between my marriage, children, childhood and life experiences.  Why not give someone else a little bit of that joy?

#5. Do Something Big for Someone – Kind of like a Pay it Forward X20.  I’ve already done a few pay it forwards this year between randomly buying favorite customers a drink or dessert, or paying an unexpected compliment.  But I would really like to do a memorable version of this, and something that they remember for the rest of their life.  It’s going to be tricky with financial limitations and my busy dad schedule, but I still want to get this one done.  Like set some mutual friends up for endless love or something like that.  It would be something cool.

#4.  Visit New York City – I am obsessed with getting there. I had always had an interest in what many believe to be the greatest city in the world, but nothing out of the ordinary. After visiting a ridiculous amount of European metropolises during my exchange year, my travel desire grew a little warmer.  Then after reading the book “New York” by Rutherford and the many visits to the websites & my desire really turned into something incredible, and a bit ridiculous.  It’s all fascinating stuff, and really the only place in the world that I feel like I must see before my time runs out.

#3. European Tour – I’ve already done something that relates to this, but I would really like to do it again for two reasons.  #1, I would like my wife to go with me and see what I keep on blubbering about when I reminisce about the great continent and #2, I was an eighteen year old with no real interest in any of the historic value of the mainland.  I went to the cities and enjoyed them, but really I just wanted to party and shop and see the sports venues.  Now I would like to see the Eiffel Tower, the Brandenburg gates, the Mont-St-Michel in Normandy, and the Coliseum in Rome.  Plus everything else that I can squeeze into a couple of weeks.

#2. Get my Masters – My effort in school never really went anywhere until I started my Bachelor’s degree at Concordia.  I really enjoyed the work that I did and I think it showed in my GPA.  I would love to go back to either Concordia or attend St. Thomas/University of Minnesota and achieve my goal of getting a masters in sports management.  I know that with the kids and the lack of funds it isn’t something I will be able to do immediately, but I still would like to get it done before 40.

#1. The Gift of Love – I really want to step it up in my marriage.  Like be her #1 with a bullet. 

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