Wednesday, April 22, 2015

9 Years of Marriage

Nate’s 9: Years of Marriage

            I’ve been a pretty blessed guy. Not only am I married to the most wonderful wife, mother and business woman I know, but I get to be married to my best friend too. Thanks for a great 9 years, woman!

2006- I was lucky to have her, because I didn’t know nor did I really care about planning a wedding.  I just went along for the ride, and made comments where I felt that I needed to.  She pulled it off; it was a blast and I only wish that my dad could have been there to see how impressive the lovely woman is that I am married to. Our honeymoon to Mexico was damn near perfect; remember when we sat right against the ocean and had dinner?

2007- A letdown after 2006. Just kidding. We had some big moments in 2007 as well. You got me started at Concordia University in St. Paul, which is where you got your degree. We started talking about when we were going to begin a family.  Our townhouse finally started to feel like a home, and you got the most wonderful car in the world the previous October, our Acura TL.

2008- George came to visit us this year. We had a blast with him, and it’s too bad he didn’t decide to up and move to Minnesota to be our best friends forever.  Parts of this year were difficult; this is when we miscarried after a few weeks.  You still believe, and maybe Aiden surely knows, but this could have been the baby girl that I had always hoped and dreamed of.

2009- Target got you back! Back to the B&B in Hastings where our relationship really went to the next level back in 2002! We met with Dr. Corfman. The first step leading toward our 3 wonderful miracles.

2010- The year of our first, well, wonderful whatever you want to call Aiden.  Our wonderful little family, cramped in our townhouse, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Walks by the Mississippi, cuddling in the bedroom watching the ’10 Winter Olympics, and a wonderful trip to Kansas City were among the highlights.

2011- One more kid, what the hell... oh wait, looks like there are two eggs in there, so how about that we’re having twins!! Ahhhh!!! Chicago and searching for a new home were some of my favorite times with you.

2012-14- I don’t remember.  We had young twins for goodness sakes.

2015- Some of our sanity has finally returned. A kindergartener will be roaming the house soon. We may be raising a future President. We may also have the sweetest human being on the planet. Preliminary talks of a trip to New York City (or Hawaii) have been mentioned (New York City). We’ve become damn good parents, but even better, is that we’re on the fast track to 10 years and with that some wonderful presents for me! I love you!

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