Sunday, April 6, 2014

Family Traditions

Nate’s Nine: Traditions

          Sorry I disappeared for awhile; the laptop has gone berserk, and I have no idea how to fix the problem.  I have a few blogs complete, so I’ll try and post a few just to show that I still care.  This particular post is more in accordance to what traditions I would like to introduce to my children, and not with what traditions I enjoyed growing up.  What are some of your favorites?

#9 – Bike Rides.  This is the one tradition I wish I had growing up.  Although, if it interfered with any of my sports playing and watching, probably not.  I do think with three boys that it’s something that is cheap and easy and also a nice way for our family to bond and stay in shape.

#8 – Pizza Night.  We have already started this tradition of ordering pizza about once a week, and I enjoy it because it doesn’t require any of us to be in the kitchen for a night. Plus, when the boys become teenagers we can order about 5 pizzas and everyone will be full and not have to clean up.  I’m guessing they’ll appreciate that.

#7 – Summer Camp.  Growing up, I was really bipolar about summer camp. I loved all the sports, meeting new people, and learning about independence and other such criteria.  But I got really homesick some years, and missed just the neighborhood camaraderie that the Red Fox provided my brother and I.  Still at the end of the day, I’m glad for the experience and I hope that if I can send them, my boys will too.

#6 – Game Nights.  I can’t wait any longer for the first time my family goes to war.  And by war, I mean the board game “Risk”.  It was my favorite board game growing up, but I haven’t played more than a half dozen games in the last ten years.  As soon as they can comprehend the details and fundamentals of such a complex game, game night will be an exciting time at the Confer house.

#5 – Family Trips. Two of my favorite memories growing up was my trip to Disneyworld with my brother and mother (It was really the first time that my brother and I really, truly bonded) and when my mother and I did a short Germany-Netherlands tour during my exchange in 2000.  Beyond that, taking Aiden to Disneyworld was nothing short of magnificent, with him being able to interact with his favorite Disney characters even though he was just a year old.  I need to have a few more of these memories with Sara and the boys.

#4 – 3 Questions. Aiden and I have already started this, but for obvious reasons it’s a little more difficult with the twins.  But every day, either at the dinner table or right before bedtime, we get the opportunity to ask each other a couple of questions relating to anything that we choose.  Aiden and I usually ask each other about favorites, and it’s funny listening to Aiden change his favorite thing on a daily basis.  His favorite colors have been pink, blue, red, white, green, orange and black.  I just think that this is a simple way of getting to know your children a little better, and it only takes a minute out of your day.

#3 – Sporting Events.  I love each and every one of these.  I’ve been to baseball, football, basketball, hockey, tennis, soccer, track and field, lacrosse, wrestling… events, and they are all so unique and fun.  I hope that all 3 of my boys will cherish these experiences with Sara and I, and we can cultivate their interest in sports and maybe even nudge them to a certain career path.  One can only hope.

#2 – 1 on 1 Time. This is such an underrated occasion that one can have with their child.  Just undivided 1-1 time.  I think at the end of the day it really is the best way to nurture your child and develop a relationship with them.  I know it’s going to probably be few and far between with sports and school and all the other things that happen in our lives, but I would like to at least once a month have a day to spend with each one of my three kids, and to also have a day with my wife as well. 

#1 – Valleyfair.  This is the one tradition that I wish to carry on from my own family upbringing.  Every year we got a season’s pass, and I used to look forward to going and riding rides just about every weekend during the summer.  Although we are going to have an odd number of people for the rides, I really think this is where my family can have a chance to shine.  We can invite friends and family to join us as the sixth wheel, and show them just how awesome my family is, and will be.  I can’t wait to see these boys grow up and start some family traditions of their own!!!

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