Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Favorite Moments with my Kids

Nate’s 9: Favorite Moments with my Kids

                Someone gave me some good advice a couple of days ago.  Since I’m no longer technically writing a “Sports Blog”, why do my 9 always have to be about sports?  So today, I’m going to have a little fun.  Everyone knows that I like to whine and complain about having to stay at home with my three children three days a week, but what you may not know is that I actually love it and I enjoying watching them learn and grow.  They have helped me learn as well, and I think that I have become a better person since I started staying home with them.  Even if I do suffer with a few bouts of ‘Cartoon Songitis’. Here are a few favorite moments of mine since I made the decision to become “Playground Dad”.

#9. Lucas learning how to wave.  It’s seriously a blast.  Usually between Logan and Lucas, Logan develops the skill first whatever it may be.  First twin to crawl, first to walk, first to talk, first to become a human garbage can.  I spent about a week teaching them both to wave.  Shame on me.  Lucas now waves to anyone or anything that moves within 100 foot radius of where he is. 

#8. Logan’s hi at Lake Calhoun.  Logan on the other hand has to say hi to anyone that we might pass in a stroller.  I learned this the hard way when I took the twins down to Calhoun for a nice, quiet weekend stroll while Aiden and Sara were in Wisconsin.  It was neither nice nor quiet.  I had my headphones on, as it should send a signal to leave me in peace, but because Logan wanted to befriend everyone, we stopped numerous times so strangers could tell me how beautiful and wonderful my twins were.  Really?  Ok, you take them.

#7. Aiden at 18 months.  Aiden, outside of his taste for princess spaghettios and the color pink, is actually a man.  He likes cars, throwing things and tools.  But his favorite game ever was when I use to sit at the computer and write his blogs.  He would run out of his room, and slap me on the back as hard as he could.  Then he would scream and giggle all the way back into his room, and we would continue this game over and over again, until I got up from the computer.  I owe him a few whacks.

#6. Reading with Lucas.  You probably already know this about me, but I love books. I mean seriously.  I feel lost when I am not reading one.  Lucas is on the right track.  He won’t sit on my lap; he has to sit in the same chair next to me, and we can go over the same book for about an hour.  Currently, the car books are taking over, and I can’t wait to replace every finger point as “car” with, “Nissan, Ferrari, and Acura”.

#5. Throwing with Logan.  I love sports more than I love books.  Logan is definitely the athlete of the three.  He can be in full-blown temper tantrum mode, and if you put a ball in front of him he will stop crying instantly.  He is probably the only 16 month old I know who can say “kick” and “throw”, and know the difference between the two.  It’s pretty special, and I hope we continue to have this bond in the future.

#4. Tools with Aiden.  Aiden loves to fix everything.   Or at least believe that he has the solution to fix everything.  If something stops working, put new batteries in it.  A missing part?  He’ll go get his screwdriver and attempt to put it back together.  Anytime I fall over while getting ambushed by the boys? “Daddy, I’ll get you a Band-Aid.” But it really all comes together with the toolbox.  We need the toolbox for everything.  He’s already halfway to becoming a man, so the quicker he gets to relieving me of any household duties, the happier dad will be.

#3. The “twins” birth.  For the eight months that I knew that there were twins in Sara’s belly, I just believed that it was a dream, and during delivery we would find ONE healthy baby girl ready to embrace us with her love.  Well, I was mistaken.  But it still probably is the greatest day of my life.  To see Aiden’s reaction to his little brothers, to see the difference between two babies just hours after they were born, and to dream of days when they fight over girlfriends, cover each other over lies and deceit, and determine who’s turn it is to wash the dishes… Yeah, I am a pretty proud papa.

#2. The pink shirt.  It wasn’t expensive or anything.  I think I got the pink polo at Marshall’s for less than $15. But Aiden got me.  He got me good.  Of course it would be the first time that I wouldn’t have a diaper prepared for him in time. ( I have stepped up my game however, and Lucas and Logan were only able to “go to the bathroom” freely twice in all the times I changed their diapers).  Of course it wouldn’t be a #1.  And of course it would defy gravity.  My wife will speak for me, but it shot out of his hole like a horse at the derby and blasted my beautiful polo until it was striped brown.  Needless to say, I can joke about it now, but it was still one of the grossest experiences of my life.  But I think everyone should have it once.

#1. Tackle game.  This is our game and that’s what makes it so special.  Usually once a week, the boys and I clear out the living room, and they each take turns being tackled by me.  It gets all of us laughing, and I wouldn’t trade the time for anything.  They each have their own personalities in the game too.  Lucas will try to avoid the tackle at all costs, including throwing himself on top of the couch.  Logan runs right into it and rolls over like a dead dog.  Aiden commentates his way through the tackle, and finishes with our motto, “And he’s tackled at the two yard line!”  It’s going to be a sad day when Aiden finally gets into the end zone.

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